The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164289   Message #3933153
Posted By: Mr Red
25-Jun-18 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: what is a huff?
Subject: RE: BS: what is a huff?
In the digital pub that is this parish we can take our cue from what happens in real world pubs.

Opinions that are too combative:

1) people drift away, leaving the few to agree because there is no-one t argue with.
2) people argue too loudly so that uninterested parties are fed up and they drift away
3) people come to blows so that they are evicted and their entourage drift away with them.

Sound familiar?

BS is there to let off steam and keep the angry mob away from the erudition. We have to police ourselves:

1) Don't venture where it is not appealing.
2) Don't address the opiner, address the issue.
3) Don't drink and drivel.

and isn't a Huff a single sentence on the "Huffington Post"?

I'll get my huff...................