The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164338   Message #3933332
Posted By: Raedwulf
25-Jun-18 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Object!' (Upskirting)
Subject: RE: BS: 'Object!' (Upskirting)
Et Voila! Only this was wanting to complete the Shaw the Pompous cabaret. We began with a piece of patronising trolling (there's another label for you to add to your list, Shaw - troll) that had nothing at all to do with the thread (I may have treated it as humorous, but I don't believe that was ever your intention), quickly followed by sniffy, snotty squealing when his jibe was good-humouredly turned back against him.

Now, we get Mother Superior Stevie delivering a condescending lecture, as though she didn't start this childish contretemps. And then we get the totally irrelevant aside to try to reinforce the notion that calm, sensible, happy, grown up Stevie has been doing calm, sensible, happy, grown up stuff & this is really nothing to do with her at all...

Bollocks, Shaw. No-one's buying it, no-one's agreeing with you (sorry, I forgot; in Shaw World, that means everyone else is wrong...). You started this whole thing. If you really believe you're not as guilty of all the labels you're trying to stick on me, you're a fool & I pity you. Otherwise, you're dishonest & contemptible. Either way, I am now sitting here laughing at you, you pathetic old fool.

Grow up? After you. Dear. I'll do it when you do. How long does the rest of Mudcat have to wait for that to happen, I wonder? My sole regret about this is that there have been two or three previous occasions when I'd have been perfectly justified in throwing your dud ammo back at you, but I couldn't be bothered then. And I suspect there are quite a few people who feel like that about you. I've no idea what you think you're achieving, but you most certainly have demonstrated that you absolutely are a complete arse at times. I'm not in the least bit bothered what people think of me. I'm intelligent enough to know what I'm doing, I'm honest enough to admit to it, and I've explained to any poor sod who wanders into this thread exactly why I'm doing it. I doubt I've 'won' anything, but you've very definitely lost something. Dear.

Don't like it, can't take it? Don't do it, don't try dishing it out. In future, be polite, little Stevie, and play nice (which, again, you mostly do). If you can't or won't, don't snivel when someone treats you as you treat others. It's long overdue that someone talked back to you in your own fashion.