The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6346   Message #3933848
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Jun-18 - 09:38 AM
Thread Name: Help: The Unfortunate Rake
Subject: RE: Help: The Unfortunate Rake
"I have heard Mary's version of "The Kilkenny Louse House", I think it's a great example of her sense of humor."
It took us four goes to record that - seh broke down laughing each time she sang it
The same with 'Donnelly' (a version of 'Jolly Tinker)
One of the things about her songs was, by the time we started recording her, they had fallen out of fashion so she jumped at the chance of a captive audience
We were introduced to her while she was stopping on a field in West Drayton, west of London.
When we asked her for songs she was sitting at the bottom of the field on a chair - she immediately began to sing '
a version of 'Famous Flower of Serving Men' and by the time we reached her trailer she had sung parts of three
I recorded them as we walked on a Uher slung across my shoulder
The recordings are punctuated by trains going past - the field was on the main line to the West Country
Good memories