The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3934597
Posted By: wysiwyg
01-Jul-18 - 02:11 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

Ah yes, car storage. Friend Judy's van got clogged with items when the garden center where she'd worked closed up shop-- and her apartment is about the size of your average assisted living studio. So since I'd just cleared some space when helper Btittney brought in a small bookcase-- which had been stored in the only little-used corner of my garage-- I gave Judy's stuff temp space there to stack a few bins while she declutters a closet.

Thus Newbie-dog was able to ride along in style when we traipsed about yesterday.

I can't wait to stock our new van with the standard items it will carry-- ministry gear, activist gear, accessibility gear, and dog gear. This one has cleats to fasten in the gear, and I have two standing zip cases, a big duffel, and Newbie's crate to containerize it all.

Another LL Topic Kit got catalogued today-- 'Working with Young Children.' Handily, a one-page turned up among the articles, which belongs in a guide I'm writing for a program I developed in 1990, which may be revived next fall. That went with items for the same guide, that I am came across the other day, into a handy metal standing file on a shelf awaiting items from those bankers boxes of archives that I brought. It has just enough dividers for each role in the program's leadership, and metal sides where I can put sticky notes with notes to self as inspiration strikes. Acme, that's another place where several of your kindly-shared binders will be used--each role will need a binder.

I reorganized my LL cataloguing worksheet to separate out the topics yet to be catalogued, and I added a boilerplate section of items to copy into each topic as I get to it. Another organizing thing I recently did was create a standardized sample entry for the journals going in, so I copied that into the boilerplate as well. I still can't say I love cataloguing, but it feels so good when I stop! ;-)
