The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30574   Message #393510
Posted By: GUEST
08-Feb-01 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Hosting Online Sings, PalTalk or HearMe?
Subject: RE: Hosting Online Sings, PalTalk or HearMe?
Could you kind folks answer just a few simple questions about the socia-political impact of Paltalk?

1.) How has the election of George W. Bush as President effected your involvment in music-related Paltalk rooms?

2.) Since there are a substaintial amount of Indians and Pakistanis using Paltalk, how do you think the recent earthquakes in this part of the work will affect overall Paltalk music room attendance? If so, is it possible to push increased Paltalk downloads among the people of third-world nations who are PC literate, to make up for the loss of members?

3.) Have any of those who have hosted Paltalk music rooms in the past have any plans to run for public office? If so, how have the "red dot" and "bounce" option influenced your personal political philosophy?

4.) Is it possible that the power weilded by Paltalk music room administators could eventually snowball into a Socialist musical society on the Internet?

5.) At this time, is there any move to turn all 6 parts of the "Conservative Cavalry" and "BUSHwacked" threads into a song that might be considered "folk" by future generations? If so, will a Paltalk music room be specifically structured for the performace of this material?

6.) Is there a way that I can obtain all the Mudcat threads that may possibly deal with these issues, and have them in a clearly organized form, suitable for framing, with all sources noted, and in MLA format, without myself having to lift one of my fat, sausage-like fingers?

7.) I have run a preliminary search on the Mudcat Supersearh (actually my pet marmoset performed this task in accordance with my undertaking) and discovered 252, 647 cases where the word "fock" was used. In Paltalk music rooms, where both text and voice audio are available options, do participants in such Paltalk music room events prefer to type "fock", or merely say it?

I'm sure I'll get an "A" on this.

By the way, my email address is

I won't be back, I will not acknowledge you with an expression of thanks, and I will not sign my name under the 5th Amendment Right not to self-incriminate myself.