The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3935330
Posted By: LilyFestre
04-Jul-18 - 08:57 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Today has been most enjoyable. I slept in, puttered at will, spent a few hours sitting on the front porch watching all the chickens, guinea hens, turkeys, cats, dog, etc. while a soft rain fell and the thunder rolled in the distance with Pete sitting right beside me. It was wonderful to just enjoy our setting. Normal chores are done for the day as well as multiple lists for our upcoming vacation. Whew. I hope I don't forget anything but if I do, I'm sure we will live! Plans were confirmed for one of the days out and a swimming hole found....most necessary for all of us! Laundry is just about all done, the dishwasher is running and all breathing critters are parked in front of a fan (and the AC is running)'s sticky hot and the fans are wonderful. My mom recently surprised me with a new fan that works somewhat's got great air flow but is also it!

The animals have all had their flea and trick preventatives, vet papers are in order for boarding the animals too.

Stay cool people. ;)
