The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164456   Message #3935524
Posted By: Little Hawk
05-Jul-18 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan
Subject: RE: Phil Ochs and Bob Dylan
from the article: And again, those things don't address the transformation of the events into a one-dimensional melodrama that's laughably heavy handed in it's creation of a Snidely Whiplash-like "bad guy."

His charge was reduced to manslaughter and assault, based on the likelihood that it was her stress reaction to his verbal and physical abuse led to the intracranial bleeding, rather than blunt-force trauma from the blow that left no lasting mark.

And it's not just me. Clinton Heylin defends Zantzinger and chastises Dylan: "Dylan's portrait of William Zantzinger verges on the libelous… That the song itself is a masterpiece of drama and wordplay does not excuse Dylan's distortions, and thirty-six years on he continues to misrepresent poor William Zantzinger in concert." [Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades Take Two, pp. 124-125]