The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #163109   Message #3936756
Posted By: Raedwulf
11-Jul-18 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Henry VIII - The Mind of a Tyrant
Subject: RE: BS: Henry VIII - The Mind of a Tyrant
Lol. I look forward to his response, especially if he has any memories of his rural relations. From the sound of it (and this is about what I would expect), the bows would be relatively light. Drawing a bow uses some very specific muscles, mostly in the shoulders (if your arms get tired first, your technique is poor!). If you are living an agrarian sort of life, you will have a lot of general fitness & strength. A 50lb draw should present no problems at all to such an individual; guessing a bit, only at the 75-80lb range would I expect that type to begin to struggle. And I'm presuming that hunting is an occasional, rather than frequent, occupation. The Liangulu of Kenya were known for hunting elephant with 100-130 lb bows (& poisoned arrowheads!). But those that did so were, as far as I can tell, 'professional' hunters, so in constant practice.

As for hubby's accuracy, I'm guessing that his shooting has been at short range. '6 arrows for a quid' type of things typically shoot at 10-20 yds. There isn't space for longer ranges & the organisers like you to think you're surprisingly good so you have another go... ;-) Which is not to say that hubby's performance isn't very good for a novice archer, but a lot depends on the size of the target face & the range. The 'have a go for a quid' things typically use full size faces - 122cm that covers almost all the boss - at the above very short range. Grouping your arrows is the entire 'purpose' of archery; if you can group them in the gold, so much the better. But if you can group them anywhere... You only have to shift your point of aim a bit!

If he is fit & has reasonable hand / eye co-ordination, hubby ought to be a decent shot at short range. Grouping everything within the red at 60y... With a longbow & wooden arrers? Now there, you're a damn good shot! I could do it only occasionally, and I used to be a good shot. Just not damn good!

P.S. The bowstrings would not be leather. Leather stretches. Surprisingly, perhaps, the last thing you want your bowstring to do is stretch. The bowstring is the one inflexible part of the bow - the power comes from the bow, not the string!

P.P.S. Thing is, bows and arrows aren't simple. Their design takes into account the local environment, materials available, and intended use, and a lot of clever bowyers have independently come up with similar solutions for thousands of years. I found that looking for something about the Liangulu. It's an excellent summation of archery in general.