The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164505   Message #3937010
Posted By: Joe Offer
13-Jul-18 - 12:57 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Facebook Video & Comments
Subject: Tech: Copying Facebook Video & Comments
We had a rather heated discussion of California's "Values Act," the so-called sanctuary law that prevents state and local law enforcement from assisting federal immigration enforcement. We had a clergy-led prayer session outside beforehand, and we were interrupted by a tall, angry woman wearing a red-white-and-blue dress. She insisted on praying for all the people killed by "illegal immigrants." She was accompanied by a many carrying some kind of electronic equipment.

She made herself an intimidating center of attention every moment of the meeting, holding up a "lie" sign whenever she disapproved of what Placer County residents were saying. She broadcasted the meeting from her cellphone and spoke a running commentary as she recorded, making sure to get photographs of all the people in attendance. When it was her turn to speak, she shouted out a well-practiced, angry speech - and she ignored the requirement to give her name and place of residence.

She posted the recording of her livestream of the meeting here:
You'll notice that there are facebook comments alongside the video, as well as her spoken commentary. Some of that commentary and the comments is racist, and there were some particularly anti-Semitic remarks when a rabbi spoke on behalf of immigrants.

Right now, this damaging video is available online to all the world, but we're afraid she'll take it down before we can fully study it. Is there a way for us to record the video and keep it?

