The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164483   Message #3937212
Posted By: Senoufou
13-Jul-18 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Salad Days - whence came this phrase?
Subject: RE: BS: Salad Days - whence came this phrase?
In the fifties we used to have excellent salads during the summer.

I was always in charge of doing the hard-boiled eggs, and shelling them, then slicing them up.

We always had home-grown lettuce, tomatoes, radishes, spring onions, grated carrot, beetroot and diced potatoes.

My mother would open a tin of sardines, or horrible ghastly spam (ugh)
and the entire lot was drenched in Heinz salad cream.

All this with a slice of Hovis bread and butter and a glass of milk.

Very nutritious!