The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164514   Message #3937611
Posted By: Rapparee
15-Jul-18 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone for Keats?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone for Keats?
I should state, in the interest of transparency and all that, that I have a BA in English Literature and 1/2 a Master's degree in the same (they cancelled the program when I was halfway through). In grade school and high school I was made to memorize poems by such as W. Shakespeare (also dramatic lines), Rupert Brooke, Wilfred Owen, Robert Frost, Thomas S. Eliot, Rudyard Kipling, Walter Whitman Jr., William Cullen Bryant, Thomas Hardy, Al Tennyson, Longfellow, Johnny Whittier, Robert Service, Percy B. Shelley, Jack Keats, Johnny Milton, Matt Arnold, Joyce "I'm MALE, dammit!" Kilmer, and a host of others. The night before my Graduate Record Examination (Literature in English) I drank Scotch and capped lines with a friend and scored in the 95th percentile even with a hangover. I was also made to memorize the value of pi to 8 decimal places (my nephew won a "personal size" pizza by memorizing it to 300).

Like all poettry, I like some of Keats more than others. Shelley (who cremated Keats, or tried to), nah, not so much. Of the Romantic Poets I suppose I most dislike Robert Southey, author of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" (a/k/a "The Tale of the Three Bears").

This is only some of the Romantic Poets who wrote in English, of course. And yes, I know that Pope is a Neoclassicist or whatever you want to call him.