The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30607   Message #393836
Posted By: Rick Fielding
09-Feb-01 - 01:20 AM
Thread Name: Peter T & Rick do Ken Burns and Dylan
Subject: Peter T & Rick do Ken Burns and Dylan
Yes it's true. The next two Mondays, my radio show "Acoustic Workshop" will feature esteemed Mudcatter Peter T. and I playing (on CD) the music of the esteemed Music Master from Minnesota, Bobbie Dylan. We both are big fans, although probably for some different reasons. With any luck we may even get into a couple of hair pulling bitch-slapping arguements over our choices for inclusion, and what we left off 'cause one of us thought it was crap. Heather will play the part of Wynton Marsalis (or Louis Armstrong)

The one thing Peter and I DO agree on is that no pop musician who first recorded in 1961 is still so widely and passionately discussed, so the little putz has sure done SOMETHING right.

It's at 7pm on CIUT (89.5 fm) and can be reached at

I still think his first album was his best!


Here's a direct link for Real Player:
- la joeclone -