The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164528   Message #3938434
Posted By: Richie
20-Jul-18 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 4
Subject: RE: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 4

This German variant dates to 1802 and logically to the 1700s. Jamieson published this translation in 1814. He said, "the following German popular ditty, inserted in the Knaben Wunderhern [1805-1808], of which, as it is too humble to be attempted in verse, we have given a verbatim English prose translation."


"Maria, wo bist du zur Stube geweten?
Maria, mein einziges kind?"

"Ich bin bey meiner Grossmutter gewesen;
— Ach weh! Frau Mutter, me weh!"

"Was hat sie dir dann zu essen gegeben,
Maria, mein einziges kind!

"Sie hat mir gebackne Fishlein gegeben;
— Ach weh! Frau Mutter! wie tteh! fyc"


"Maria, what room have you been in,
Maria, my only child?"

"I have been with my grandmother ;
— Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

"What then has she given thee to eat,
Maria, my only child?"

"She has given me fried fishes ;
— Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

"Where did she catch the little fishes,
Maria, my only child?"

"She caught them in the kitchen-garden ;
— Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

"With what did she catch the little fishes,
Maria, my only child?"

"She caught them with rods and little sticks;
Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

"What did she do with the rest of the fishes;
Maria, my only child?"

"She gave it to her little dark-brown dog:
Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

"And what became of the dark-brown dog,
Maria, my only child?"

"It burst into a thousand pieces:
Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

"Maria, where shall I make thy bed,
Maria, my only child?"

"In the church-yard shalt thou make my bed,
Alas! lady mother, what pain!"

That any one of these Scottish, English, and German copies of the same tale has been borrowed or translated from another, seems very improbable; and it would now be in vain to attempt to ascertain what it originally was, or when it was produced.

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