The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30596   Message #393868
Posted By: Mark Cohen
09-Feb-01 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: do I need a vibrator?
Subject: RE: do I need a vibrator?
Hey, 'Spaw, you did it!

I developed a vibrato all of a sudden about 15 years ago, and I still don't understand it or know how to use it that well. And on some songs it disappears. I agree with Alice up to a point, and that point is that I don't think breath support is everything. AS important (notice I didn't say MORE important), in my opinion, is relaxation. The muscles that control the larynx are incredibly tiny and incredibly sensitive to tension. Anything that helps you relax your mind, as well as your face, tongue, throat, neck, shoulders, chest, legs -- you get the picture -- will help your voice. One of my teachers, Kim Scanlon of Seattle, a true genius, used to have people practice yawning in dozens of different ways, to stretch and relax the facial and throat muscles. I've just found a voice teacher here in Hilo, and told her I felt my voice was too thin and buzzy and I wished it were richer. She said, "Oh, richer--that's easy!" We shall see. But I also highly recommend a good teacher, even for only one lesson if that's all you can afford.
