The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3938704
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-Jul-18 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Illegal bridge building! Dorothy! What will you be up to next?

I had my first okra from the garden this evening, rolled in fishfry and fried in shallow oil. Mmmm! I sprayed soap on the plants last week and it got rid of a major part of the aphid problem so the flowers are blooming and producing finally; there's one plant that needs more attention. And I think the garden is too wet, the eggplant are suffering from it so I'm going to relocate the sprinkler heads. I already reduced the frequency on watering from every two days to three.

There are five quarts of grape juice tucked away in the door of the fridge, and maybe next weekend I'll start the jelly making. I have a lot left from last summer so I may take up a friend's suggestion and sell some of it on eBay (there is a "cottage law" here so you can sell foods prepared in a home kitchen, as long as they meet certain categories.) Market it as the year of 2017 jelly (since the 2018 crop isn't officially in yet).

I didn't mention earlier that there is a problem with both ants and ticks, so after picking I went straight to the back yard and used my patio shower, undressing and showering back there, then putting all of the clothes into the washer. They'll wash overnight when there is less power demand. Any bugs will die in the laundry.

The fan is tucked behind the kitchen queen with the stool and a few other items. The kitchen is clean - the juicing process takes a lot of large pots.