The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164543   Message #3938764
Posted By: Noreen
22-Jul-18 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Virtual House Concert
Subject: RE: Virtual House Concert
I'm enjoying listening to these, thank you Pamela. I've not heard the Holland Handkerchief or Lady Elsbet before.
I would have commented on the individual recordings but that doesn't seem to be possible, so will do so here.

With respect to McPherson's Lament you say:
The only alteration I’m aware of making is changing a line in the fourth verse from “I’ll take him at his word” to “I’ll brave him at the word,” which seems less ambiguous

I don't understand this. I know the meaning of “I’ll take him at his word”, but “I’ll brave him at the word” means nothing to me: what do you intend it to mean?