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Thread #164528   Message #3939245
Posted By: Richie
24-Jul-18 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 4
Subject: RE: Origins: James Madison Carpenter- Child Ballads 4

Thanks Steve, good info, there is flowery fields in a Stewart version but I haven't looked at the newer Scottish versions yet. I thought of the famous battle at "Flodden Field" near the Scot border which is somewhat similar.

This is Greig Duncan A (thanks for sending) and it's an Irish/Scotch version that was learned in Aberdeenshire which probably dates conservatively back to the late 1800s. It has only the "will" stanzas. The title, "Henry, my son" is still sung in Ireland-- the identifier is "my pretty one."

Henry, my Son- sung by James Matthew Brown and Miss Jeannie Brown, of Glasgow, learned in Aberdeenshire. Collected Duncan around 1907.

1 "What'll ye leave to your mother, Henry, my son,
What'll ye leave to your mother, my pretty one?"
"I leave her all my jewels, mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm sick to the heart, and I fain wid lie doon,
For I'm sick to the heart, and I fain wid lie doon."

2 "What'll ye leave to your father, Henry, my son?
What'll ye leave to your father, my pretty one?"
"I leave him all my land, mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm sick to the heart, and I fain wid lie doon."

3 "What'll ye leave to your brother, Henry, my son?
What'll ye leave to your brother, my pretty one?"
"I will leave him all my money, mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm sick to the heart, and I fain wid lie doon."

4 "What'll ye leave to your sister, Henry, my son?
What will ye leave to your sister, my pretty one?"
"My gold watch and gold chain, mother, make my bed soon,
For I'm sick to the heart, and I fain wid lie doon."

5 "What'll ye leave to your sweetheart, Henry, my son?
What'll ye leave to your sweetheart, my pretty one?"
"The rope and the halter, that hangs on yon tree,
And it's there she shall die for poisonin' of me."
