The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3939826
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
27-Jul-18 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

Trip to Toronto was worth while, But not glitch-free. Michael old me there would be no charge for the ancient (their brand) kiln BUT I would need to get a new plug. One: when he used the "you've been a customer for 40 years..." I lamented: "And I have done the SAME stuff for 40 years!"

The other one, he would keep and ship it to me at no charge. I was reeling! I figured it was because they did not want to hear from me any more as I had emailed and phoned for two weeks trying to get a handle on what to do.

So, as they finished up in the back, I looked around the show room and decided to buy 3 unique, and expensive, commercial glazes, knowing I would have to make different pots to show them off. I felt better that I had bought something AND that I had a new idea.

However, stopping at CT on the way home (Uxbridge), they had no plug; i was out of stock/on order,said the helpful clerk. AT Home Hardware, they asserted that they thought it against the law to sell just the plug; I needed the whole (dryer) cable, they said. But that would mean opening the control box and installing a new cable and I REALLY did not want to do that. CT and HH in Bancroft looked hard on their computers; no such item.

I was ready to go back to Toronto in despair. But while falling asleep after my long day, I wondered if it could be hard wired into the receptacle. I'll ask Larry.

Up at the crack of dawn, way too early to phone anyone, I threw the wood that was on pallets off the end of the deck up to the deck and stacked most of another face cord - until body complained. Did two loads of laundry and hung them, texted Larry. Had BF break by 7:15, and made posts for one bed. Went to Larry at 10:30 and he said that could be done, he would come over when he had time. (He works from home.)

Did many little things - It is amazing how many little things make up our lives! A couple hours visiting (here) with a newish, 40ish friend about the state of his life as he goes through separation... Good visit.

Larry came about 4pm and we did the deed - I held the panel steady while HE worked. I was stunned by all new wires and connectors, a totally new kiln sitter piece and new switches! Only the bricks and stainless steel coat are old but they are in fine shape! So glad I bought those glazes so I feel like I contributed a pittance.

Anyway, it was done and Larry says the worst that can happen would be if it blew a fuse. ?? The tech guy did say it had to be the same configuration but it is now the same as the other kiln. Today I will email Michael, informing him that it is not possible to purchase just a plug. (The guy in Uxbridge was wrong; I phoned and someone went and looked at the display and the place where he had thought there was a plug was for something totally different!)

So I need to inform and apologize to the local folks. If we have a dry period, I shall plug it in and see what happens. Right now it is misty enough not to see the west hill and very, very wet. Great storm last night; just as Larry was finishing, the weather informed and we quickly cleared up tools,etc. It hit at 5 pm and lasted about two hours, off and on. lots of rain and noise. Dan installed the first rain barrel yesterday so we have water!! I hear noises up the road so it may have washed out part of the hill again!

I removed the lovely moss from where the rain barrel stand was going and put it on one ramp to bridge. Took the clothes off the line just before Larry arrived! But forgot to cover the unstacked wood so now I have to wait for it to dry before I can finish. Needs to be done before I order more wood! And this non-rainy, cool morning would have been a great time to finish. Bed is re-made, clothes put away, dishes washed, BF eaten. Maybe I will make pots - experiment with something new. Maybe.