The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164661   Message #3942635
Posted By: Steve Shaw
09-Aug-18 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: Tech: SD memory cards for camera - which one?
Subject: RE: Tech: SD memory cards for camera - which one?
I must confess that any remarks I make about cameras and memory cards should be seen in the context of the fact that I only have a compact camera with me when I go anywhere. My current one is a Canon Ixus 285HS which is quite tiny but which has 12X optical zoom. I know nowt about RAW and how much storage it eats. I can have have thousands of photos at the best setting and lots of little video snips on a 16GB card. The zoom works with video setting too. If I'm somewhere with half-decent wifi I can copy my photos from the camera straight on to my iPad using Canon's Camera Connect app, thence safely into the Cloud. Who'd have thunk all that would ever be possible!