The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164648   Message #3942806
Posted By: Pamela R
09-Aug-18 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: What's this Autoharp Worth?
Subject: RE: What's this Autoharp Worth?
Here in Southern CA I have bought several OS Autoharps from garage sales junk shops etc. in the past few years. I found two exactly like that one for $25 and $50; my possession of those led the owner of a third one to give it to me for free. I am told they were required in every classroom in California at one time, so there are a lot of them floating around here. On the other hand I've certainly seen them listed for much more, I just hunt for bargains (otherwise my collection of instruments would pile to the ceiling).

One of my kids recently reported to me that the coolest kid in their high school now plays the Autoharp. (They had NO idea I was so cool!) Anyway if they are coming into fashion, it may be worth more.