The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164736   Message #3945445
Posted By: Acorn4
21-Aug-18 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: Singarounds: Code of Conduct
Subject: Singarounds: Code of Conduct
I often listen to Mark Kermode's cinema reviews on a Friday (UK Radio 5 Live) and he has drawn up a code of conduct for cinema audiences.

We often get complaints on here about inconsiderate/selfish behaviour at singarounds (thinking about the organised "turn taking" ones rather than the "jump in" type). Could we compile a suggested "Code of Conduct" for singarounds.

This might kick it off - not all suggestions here of equal seriousness:-

Singarounds: Code of Conduct:-

1.        If you arrive after the start, fine, but please wait until the end of the song before going in. If you want to greet people enthusiastically and noisily please get there for the start or wait for the interval.
2.        With many of us getting to an advanced age it’s fine to use a sheet of words or ipad/phone but please don’t constantly flick through pages or stare at your phone under the table – it’s bad manners!
3.        When going to the toilet/bar please wait until the end of the song – even the weakest of bladders can last out a Child Ballad – try to avoid going to the bar/toilet during the same person’s turn twice.
4.        If you have multiple instruments plus cases, music stand and words it is suggested you get there for the start of a session rather than interrupting the flow of the night with a “kerfuffle” while you sort yourself out.
5.        It is fine to do a long song but try to avoid this in the last half hour when others are hoping they might squeeze a song in.
6.        If your rear end could be described as “generous” and the room has bench seats do not try to fit in a space half the width of your behind – it may mean the poor person at the end falling off!
7.        If you must do “Ride On” try to make it last no more than 4 minutes; if you do “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” try to make it last no longer than 3 minutes.
8.        Try not to do your turn and then leave straight away – it gives the message:- “I’m here to be listened to not to listen to other people”.
9.        If you join in with someone’s song, LISTEN to what they are doing – it might be different to the usual treatment of the song – don’t impose your own version.
10.        Fine to discuss the songs –it’s all part of the night, but try not to get involved in conversations which only include two or three people – your geraniums may be of no interest to the rest of the room! Wait til the break.
11.        If you play tunes on a melodeon remember this doesn’t entitle you to twice as many turns as everybody else.