The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3945641
Posted By: wysiwyg
22-Aug-18 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

Last night we explored new tablets in advance of a planned Christmas gift, and picked up an external CD/DVD reader/burner (replacing one that Tyler stole), and a 2nd Bluetooth speaker. I have been benefiting from letting NPR move thru the house with me, which has reduced my chair/TV time. Hardi's been using his tablet to waft jazz through the church during that early Sunday hour+ before services; now he can take that further with a speaker, when he walks through the whole campus waking up the heat and unlocking doors.

Today I get to explore the upright freezer to see what he got while I was gone (and probably reorganize it somewhat), to fetch a few items to thaw for the rest of the week.

"Project" (dumped-cat name) has a new front ramp feed/water station that will make me get out for fresh air and sunshine every packing day. One poss placement involved an email application that will take a week or so to process. Hardi and I are agreed on the other less savory options, should I not find a placement.

The boxes I'm here to sort have been found. Last night I polished off a box over the late-night news. This AM, Hardi brought down two more.

The sorting area is in full swing as an after-breakfast thing. Today's box was a mix of circa-1994/2000 archival material, which I reduced to about a 6" stack of paper to keep, from Red Cross and ministry work product. It also held a range of journal entries and cards during what had been a lot of blending-family, teenager, and marriage angst. Hard, intense, and ultimately successful years... but not fun to sort.

This is now the start of the hard stage of moving-- dealing with the STUFF of two 24-year careers, and personal records, and downsizing it into small quarters. It's complicated by still not knowing the "deadline" for getting it done. There are several factors to settle that are not within my control at all, so it feels pretty nerve-wracking-- A, the retirement date and B, the time of year for the final move; weather here is definitely a big factor. C, the landlord's next plans for the property (whether the landlord is selling or continuing rentals-- and whether renting after our departure to the ppl who'd squatted on the yard and barn, and wanted the house-- all of which will determine the condition we leave it in. D (depending on decisions around C), whether we can leave some things here in storage or will have to get it ALL in one trip. E, whether Pods are in this region yet, vs truck rental and trailer trips.

