The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3946618
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
27-Aug-18 - 09:31 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Came down from Beaver last Tuesday and going back early tomorrow. Divested myself of several boxes of pottery at the wonderful CVAA Event and to a shop down here. Augmented wallet a nice bit - almost as much as I spent on supplies in the last couple months. Great hobby! I realized long ago that I would not get rich! I will also pay a bill of $200 by trading pottery next week. So I really have "earned as much as spent! Just!

The weekend was exhausting as well as great fun so not much else accomplished but I did manage to empty a couple boxes of R's acquisitions: two lots for thrift shops and a small bit of keepers.

Met a local municipal councilor who will take the Giant hog weed/wild parsnip problem to council regarding improved public info. A friend suffered burns on her face from weed wacking the field here. Mind - I had given her a comprehensive brochure but it failed to tell people DO NOT WEED WACK! Four weeks to recover! This wonderful guy, and wife, is actually an organic farmer; he also bought a large bowl, then his sister came along and bought a very different large bowl. Made my day! The conversation as much as the sales.

Also had words with local MP regarding the lack of public information re the dangerous weeds.

I suppose Charmion is already at Pine Woods. I hope she meets my friends from PA who are probably there - musicians and dancers!