The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164769   Message #3947270
Posted By: Steve Shaw
31-Aug-18 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK party conferences
Subject: RE: BS: UK party conferences
Tom Watson is implacably opposed to Corbyn in every regard, and never misses an opportunity to smear him to just the right degree that allows him to hang on to the deputy leadership. If he put as much energy into dissing the Tories as he does into dissing Corbyn, in league with all those other disaffected Blairites and Brownites and the ragbag pro-Bibi bunch that includes the Board Of Deputies, a knackered old ex-Chief Rabbi who should stick to Thought For The Day and a bunch of conspiratorial Israeli right-wing politicians, Labour's chances at the next election would be hugely enhanced. Well they may be anyway, because the country showed last time out that they're impatient with all the personal attacks and would rather actually know what the bloody plans for governing the country are.