The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3948049
Posted By: wysiwyg
04-Sep-18 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Happy birthday!


Chair dozed about 40 minutes after a lovely planning conversation with DH. It's a big day, and we hope to do a round of errands later this afternoon. (Not sure if I can tear myself away from Kavanaugh hearings which are already fiery hot!)

The last section of the DR I wanted to sort for this trip is done.

I now have 6-8 closed boxes to load, and 6-8 open boxes/bins labeled for whether they go to house or garage. Between that, farewells to friends leaving the area and laundry/dishes, I am done with this trip's projects and now turn to trip prep-- adding the odd thing or two I pass to the appropriate box, closing boxes, and planning van/trailer packing layout. And at the 11th hour, a hastily-requested consult for a fellow antiracism chapter leader-- his request was only accepted because he's willing to drive to the town where the cheap tarps I need are, for the 2-piece monster hutch I'm driving over to my Ohio DIL & son "on the way" home.

One change in van layout is that I'm lvg the small scooter here, for use in December, and taking just the ramp for Ohio use with the big scooter there. I will probably also leave the portapotty I use when camping in a van, but I have a workshop date to check first; it may live in the van til my December return, when I'll want it here.
