The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39250   Message #3948503
Posted By: GUEST,Observer
06-Sep-18 - 07:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos
Very droll McLean - but as they say, "If wit was shit, you'd be constipated."

Let's see delusional means characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder

Applied directly to Psychiatry it means maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness

The Glesga Eskimos:

1: A collective term coined and appropriated by Jim McLean and pals days, possibly weeks, after the USS Proteus arrived in the Holy Loch.

2: The title of a song penned by Jim McLean which on examination bears absolutely no relation or relevance to anything that ever happened in real life that could possibly be connected to the US Base at Holy Loch in 1961.

3: The writer of the song tells us all that he popped down to Dunoon the day after USS Proteus arrived, and that now 57 years after the event he is searching for written verification that the complete and utter stranger, and visitor to our shores, who McLean refers to as a "Nyaff" and threatens with physical violence, ever made a comment where said stranger referred to English CND protesters in kayaks/canoes encountered on the 3rd March 1961 as "goddam Eskimos".

How am I doing so far Jim? (Note: All the information above by the way is information contained in this thread that YOU have supplied us with)

So which one of us is delusional?

The person who dishonestly appropriated a "title" that may, or, as now would appear to be more likely, may never have been directed at and bestowed upon, a bunch of English visitors who actually did try to do something to prevent the Proteus from mooring.

The person who dishonestly infers that they were there in his song when patently he most certainly was not.

The person who brags about rammys, tears and sortin people oot, when in actual fact nothing was ever even attempted, let alone done by these so called Glesga Eskimos. All pure fantasy McLean, if ony heid needs biled - It's yours.