The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #39250   Message #3948612
Posted By: GUEST,Observer
06-Sep-18 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos
Gallus have a word with McLean and maybe he will tell you which one is the correct version:

Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The glesga eskimos
From: Jim McLean
Date: 04 Sep 18 - 04:32 AM

The reason I entered this thread was from an academic standpoint I wanted and still want to find the date when Captain Laning reputedly said "We're not worried. They're jus a bunch of goddam Eskimos".
I wanted this information to date the writing of the song "The Glasgow Eskimos" by T S Law.


Subject: RE: Words please: Scottish Breakaway
From: Jim McLean
Date: 24 Jul 02 - 06:46 AM

The album Ding Dong Dollar was recorded in Morris Blythman's house around 1960. The singers, if I can remember, were: Jack O'Conner, Nigel Denver, Josh MacRae, Morris Blythman and various people in the choruses. Alastair McDonald played various instruments. Luckily for some, I'm not a singer but I wrote We dinnae want polaris, NAB for Royalty, They say we've never had it sae guid and wrote verses for Ding Dong Dollar, Camp in the Country and THE GLESGA ESKIMOS. Anti-Polaris was written by Hamish Henderson and sung by Josh MacRae. If you require more specific info let me know. Cheers, Jim Mclean