The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164639   Message #3948840
Posted By: Nick
07-Sep-18 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Whitby Folk Week 2018
Subject: RE: Whitby Folk Week 2018
One thing that puzzles me about Whitby and some other festivals.

Why do some people have a real anti to the fringe? What possible harm does it do them and what possible harm does it to the main festival itself?

There are examples on this thread.

But I have come across it at Beverley and Sidmouth - and it probably happens at most.

But I don't see how it possibly detracts or why people who don't go to the fringe but do go to the main festival get so excited that the fringe is travelling on the coat tails of the main event - but shouldn't be.

I do know that some of the visitors to the pubs don't drink as much as some of the pubs might like and that some publicans get annoyed at people popping in to listen rather than drink - but that is just manners and common decency rather than intrinsically fringey. And some of the fringe definitely drinks. And drinks a lot.