The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3949348
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Sep-18 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Interesting story from my nextdoor neighbor: he was in the hospital for a kidney stone last week and this week he'll go in and they'll do a laser treatment. He said they also did bloodwork and told him his thyroid was off and he'd have to take medicine the rest of his life. He went to his doctor and had them run a panel and it shows up perfectly, so no medicine. He was smart to do that; who knows what was going on at the time he was in the hospital.

I used a coupon for a free Lean Cuisine gluten-free meal this week and I fixed it this evening. Very tasty! Something I could fix myself and freeze. I may experiment with that this week.

This evening I was able to get the mower into the front yard and mow without bogging down in wet grass. I need to trim and do a lot of other work, but this helps with the worst of the problems. It's our week for bulky waste so I'll be trimming a few large limbs off of trees in front and leaving them at the curb tomorrow.

Tonight is the first "regular" Sunday night (after the holiday last week) that gives me the wonderful sensation of what retirement can be - I don't have to stop what I'm doing to make lunches, do laundry, and do the other things to get ready to go to work. Instead, I'm doing some research for the contract work I mentioned and will finish it up tomorrow.