The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30607   Message #394940
Posted By: catspaw49
10-Feb-01 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: Peter T & Rick do Ken Burns and Dylan
Subject: RE: Peter T & Rick do Ken Burns and Dylan
There has always been a discussion as to how much of Bob is poet and how much is musician. He is certainly a wordsmith of great talent, and their is an obvious trad background. I think he absorbed traditional music and folk like a sponge and when many of the tunes came back reworked, it was a natural process as much as one of some sinister design. The breadth of his style(s) shows just how much he absorbs and then includes. On all fronts, wordsmith, musician, musicologist, one Dylan favorite of mine illustrates best what I mean. Interestingly, it was only recorded on Biograph although it was performed in concert.

"Lay Down Your Weary Tune" has the sound of a hymn, a particular style that Dylan never used on any other song. we've had discussions here at the 'Cat and done some searching to find what hymn he may have used and none really fit. The sound and style are extremely hymn-like and I wonder where this one came from, as it is a stand alone in that regard.

Dylan has always been very good with words evoking strong emotion and visual images and "LDYWT" has some of his absolute best. Somehow though they are different and the hymn style may have influenced that to some degree.

Struck by the sounds before the sun, I knew the night had gone. The morning breeze like a bugle blew Against the drums of dawn.

Geeziz, what a wonderful image! You can not only see it, but you hear it and feel it.

I gazed down in the river's mirror And watched its winding strum. The water smooth ran like a hymn And like a harp did hum.

Just fantastic..........somehow different than any other Dylan lyric or style, perhaps because I DO feel it and hear it as well as see it. Very real.

2 cents offered
