The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164857   Message #3949846
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
12-Sep-18 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Subject: RE: Egypt Station
why do you not address the points being made by Guest Observer and Mr Hanson

Well, in the first instance, Dave H (whom I know, like and respect as a fine musician) made the point after my response to Observer. I did not have the time to reply in the 6 minutes between Dave's point and your response. As it happens, I agree with the point about it not being folk music. Hence my opening words

Not folk

Secondly, Observer, who I do not know, made no comment on the matter in question, IE Egypt Station, but simply chose to pick an argument. Pretty much like you have done. It is what is known in the trade as trolling and, beyond this response, I am not going to get involved in it. How is life since your membership was revoked for that very action by the way?

I am happy if no one wants to discuss the album. It is not, as I said, folk music. I gave my honest and polite opinion of it. People may disagree with that opinion and that is their right. But, if you do want to discuss it, please stick to the subject.