The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164857   Message #3949923
Posted By: Backwoodsman
12-Sep-18 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Subject: RE: Egypt Station
I've heard several tracks on BBC Radio 2 - they're flogging it a bit this past week or two. Good songs, the ones I've heard, and a rather 'different' sound, but he never did sing in tune very well and his 'live' stuff on TV this past few years has been embarrassing and excruciatingly bad.

He's probably reasonably in tune on the album because his vocals are auto-tuned.

There's no doubt he's been very influential as a composer and musician but, IMHO, he's buggered, over the hill, past it. He cannot possibly need the money, IMHO it's time for him to go graciously into that dark night (professionally speaking).