The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164857   Message #3949952
Posted By: GUEST,DTM
12-Sep-18 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Subject: RE: Egypt Station
I take no pleasure in criticising of one of my hero's but SPM's voice does sound as if it's gone past its sell-by-date. I thought the only song that was notable was "Confidante" (Sounds like he might be singing about Heather Mills, but I may be wrong).
Generally I thought his attempts at capturing past old formulas (such as Sgt Pepper & Helter Skelter) fell well short of the mark.
It's hard to believe that composers in general can write such fantastic fresh stuff in their teens and twenties and yet, with all the experience and development attained in growing up and growing old, fail to produce anything near as good as their early work. Maybe age douses the sparks of creativity?