The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164857   Message #3949967
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Sep-18 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Subject: RE: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
What an odd thread (started by a not-odd bloke, I hasten to add!) We manage to discuss classical music here and even jazz (ugh) without acrimony, and we do obits of all manner of non-folk people. I kind of like that. And Cyril Tawney writes songs that aren't folk songs but I bet he made a bob or two out of Grey Funnel Line and Chicken On A Raft, and we sing those in folk clubs...Oh well, isn't life so full of grey areas. And no-one ever forces anyone to click on threads anyway...