The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3951597
Posted By: wysiwyg
19-Sep-18 - 08:57 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
SRS, wallets/purses, yep! Just ydy I was remarking to friend Judy that I'd downsized the purse but not the number of items in it, as I dug for lip balm and came up instead with another potion (Rx) I'd given up on ever finding. Later when I got home, I dumped put all the contents, and of course the lip balm my DIL had given me just days before was right in there, hiding in a fold of lining fabric.


I'm working towards getting a TV cabinet out of the sewing room and into the library. Judy invited me to a garden tour hours away but near my BIL/SIL, later this week, and so the sound system (now in the LL closet where the TV stand will go) will go to nephew John if weather for the trip is right. He has a garage band and we don't plan on using more than amps, so he can blast his neighborhood on 4 channels.

Books for the retired clergyman's book shelf will go into better (stackable) boxes this week for stacking near the now-out-of-the-way the SR window; his loose framed items went to the garage with the rest of the framed art stock; loose photos were added to a few others already on my dresser.

So I hope to get that TV stand moved with Brittney next week. We may not get all his shelves placed in January, but the large student desk his great-grand-dad built can go right in there.

I also bagged up a filthy dog blanket for disposal, after repurposing an old cotton thermal blanket for Newbie's corner, last night.

So the OH purge of now-duplicate/obsolete items is on, in anticipation of The Big Move in January (or two of those with the 2nd in March, TBD).
