The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164857   Message #3951976
Posted By: GUEST,CJ
21-Sep-18 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Subject: RE: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Macca was only half the man of Gerry Rafferty. Gerry as a songwriter could have knocked Macca into a cocked hat.

The fact he didn't is obviously down to the fact that I am completely wrong.

Or it could be because Macca was in the Beatles

And Rafferty was in the Humblebums

Or Rafferty's production, which was rubbish, unlike Maccas... So who to blame there? Maybe one of them was good at choosing producers... And the other was never in the Beatles, so he never stood a chance. Like Bowie. Or Dylan. Or Adele. More names that have sunk to the bottom of the sea purely by them not being in The Beatles,

But Maaca was in the Beatles, so everyone laps up HIS songwriting even though it's rubbish

Unlike poor old Rafferty, who wrote two songs, one of which people quite like, one of which people swear at everytime they hear it being busked by some long-hair down the tube

I mean a good example of how the Beatles were discriminated in their favour would be that other hugely respected songwriter Ringo Starr. It's criminal everyone thinks he's a better songwriter than Gerry Rafferty and Neil Young and Texas Joe and Bob Dylan - just because Ringo was in the Beatles. And he wasn't even the best Bob Dylan in the Beatles! That's what Gerry Rafferty said.

I can't understand it.