The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164769   Message #3953088
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Sep-18 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK party conferences
Subject: RE: BS: UK party conferences
Well, Al, Corbyn trod a careful yet confident line which will fail to satisfy only those who would refuse to be satisfied even by the most abject grovelling. That is not what we need. We need to be able to support the Palestinian cause openly if we want to, and to utterly condemn the actions of the Israeli regime in discriminating against non-Jews in their own country, Arabs in particular, in illegally annexing land for settlements and in maintaining an inhuman siege that effectively imprisons almost two million people in terrible conditions. So you think we can't say those things or that saying them out loud is somehow damaging. Well, frankly, it's far more damaging to be cowed into silence about blatant injustices committed by just one side whilst feeling free to excoriate the other, as inaccurately as you like in your case. Just open your eyes to the REALITY of what is going on. You are quite open in your loose talk about the implacable enemies of the Israeli people but you're scathing about any criticism of the Israeli regime. Well we get quite a lot of that here, don't we? Review Jezza's speech and tell me, precisely and in quotes, what he said that was antisemitic. Review what I've just said in this post and tell me, precisely and in quotes, what I've said that is antisemitic. AND WHY YOU THINK SO. Not an order, just an invitation.