The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #159235   Message #3953778
Posted By: JennieG
30-Sep-18 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Rap for emperor
Subject: RE: BS: Rap for emperor
Many thanks, Oh Great One!

The Imperial Oubliette will be running on automatic pilot for several weeks. On Wednesday 3rd October your Imperial Torturer and Spouse will be hopping (all right, walking) onto a plane to spend 20 hours up there in a tin box with several hundred of our New Best Friends and 97 crying babies, briefly landing at Vancouver in the Great North Land of Canada before flying for several more hours to Toronto, finally exiting into fresh air with a great sigh of relief. The Imperial Torturer and Spouse have a Canaussian son who they haven't seen for three years and who has undergone major health issues in that time, so he needs a hug from his mummy and daddy and they need a hug from him.

During this time the miscreants will be fed and watered occasionally via the odd trusty (some of whom are really odd, believe me!). Hopefully the smell shouldn't be too unbearable by the time of our return at the end of November; said trusties are allowed to hose out the dungeon and its inmates once a week.

Using cold water, of course.

Imperial Torturer, Dungeon Choir Wrangler and overseer of Empiratical Banjo Ensemble
[ยง] Her mark
(For which I thank Our Most Gracious Emperor Rapparee)