The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164962   Message #3953783
Posted By: Senoufou
30-Sep-18 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Now it’s white tail deer
Subject: RE: BS: Now it’s white tail deer
The species I've seen around here seem in good shape Thompson. (fallow, muntjac, roe and the odd red) They get a good living from young trees, and of course the farmers' fields (wheat, beef-grazing meadows, young sugar beet etc) I've never seen a thin or scraggy-looking one.

I should imagine that if they're vectors for TB, the two dairy farmers in our village would have mentioned it. I must ask them next time I see them or their wives. All herds of dairy cows are tested regularly by a vet for bovine TB, and if any is found, the animals concerned are immediately slaughtered, the entire rest of the herd is put on shutdown, milk poured away and re-tests performed until no sign remains. It's a disaster for the farmer, so any TB-contaminated deer mooching around would be a matter for great concern.

My only annoyance with the blooming things is when they gaily gallop out in front of our car and then stand like twits in a panic, not knowing whether to advance or retreat. Husband says they give him 'une crise cardiaque'!