The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164943   Message #3953900
Posted By: j0_77
30-Sep-18 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gang rape by good ol boys (Kavanaugh)
Subject: RE: BS: Gang rape by good ol boys (Kavanaugh)
Sorry gillymor for not knowing your website preferences. Perhaps you might add that to your signature?

Mr Leunod,
Now about #LyingDrFord's fear of flying... A YT take on it

LyingDrFord's admission that she is afraid of flying by plane.. YouTube

Too, on the net, her early life difficulty with alcohol and drugs also appearing. I get the impression she got treatment for it, but skeptical that she had 65 male sex partners during the short time before then. Whether it is the promiscuity, or the drugs, which cause the behavior is a moot point. In all probability, like many young female college students, she may have been selling herself to fund her habit, through either the need for the narcotics, or because having gotten herself into the lifestyle, she needs them to deal with the emotional stress. Still we are all glad, I hope, that she recovered enough to complete her studies and get some qualifications in life.

Nor do I want to pursue challenging her Ph.D. as some are now doing. After all she has managed to teach classes for some time without negative result. Yet the FBI really looking deeper into it her college background will be under severe review this time around.

A sad result for both #LyingDrFord and Judge Kavanaugh.

But we have to be aware from the start, #LyingDrFord insisted on a public hearing, not the Democratic Party as some reported. She could have saved us all suffering her narcotic fueled display of nuttiness, and the poor Judge from public humiliation by electing to have the hearing in private. The same being the standard way to do such things.