The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3954289
Posted By: wysiwyg
02-Oct-18 - 07:18 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

Slept very poorly, so I had a short nap after Brittney arrived. Then we re-constructed the foam camping mattresses that have been rotaing as well as trying to scoot off the foot end of the bed, and changed the sheets plus several pillowcases.

I made a new leg pillow case, and the linens went to the wash.

I moved the old analog TV to the TV stand (ouch but it was over her lifting limit). She unpacked the new cable box, but more co-ax is needed to see if the digital-to-analog converter will work (or if Greg has to bring me our smaller TV during our late-October weekend). The DVD player is now re-connected through that converter and is working-- TBTG Tyler hadnt taken that.

Picking up more election signs plus a garden outing w Judy were followed by an overdue movie review of the first film dated by person of color. I can post that at FB for her shortly-- scene by scene synopsis plus keywords/discussion Q's-- much more detail than IMDb, and geared for a discussion facilitator.

I just gave the bed a quick test, and it's wonderful. We'll have to hitch it back into position weekly, but we did put non-slip pads between the two foam layers-- which may at least help it stop separating sideways.
