The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164974   Message #3955175
Posted By: j0_77
06-Oct-18 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kavanaugh Investigation and Confirm?
Subject: RE: BS: Kavan ugh Investigation and Confirm?
6.00 PM CST October 6th 2018
Subject to Presidential action, Brett Kavanaugh has been elevated to SCJ by the Senate.

In a month we will have forgotten about the entire pathetic circus!

Dr. Ford will get a heaps of money in book, and movie, deals to add to her GFM million dollars,
whence she will then quietly fade into irrelevance as people get hooked on the next big news affair.

Meanwhile on Everyday & Normal Street, we the regular folks will get
screwed every which way by the same crooked lying system the enriches those people and impoverishes us.

One good thing about this outcome is that beer drinking is now more offensive to the loony left than smoking pot.

Now that's real news!