The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164974   Message #3955314
Posted By: robomatic
07-Oct-18 - 03:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kavanaugh Investigation and Confirm?
Subject: RE: BS: Kavan ugh Investigation and Confirm?
Let's say that a candidate for high position/ office led an active life in their youth and was heedless at times. They may have regrets which they expiated by going forth in a positive, productive life. Then at some time, on the threshold of a major satisfying peak in that life, someone comes up with just enough of an accurate memory to remind them and the whole world of a past misdeed. . .

Two stories:

1) I read in a book of Jewish Tales how just after death our souls are put on trial. There is an accusing angel and a defense angel. A great philanthropist is on the seat of justice. All looks good, and then the accuser brings to testify a fly.
"What is your story, fly?"
"He swatted me for no reason!"

2) Lisa Simpson is daydreaming, in the future she is about to be sworn in as President of the United States of America. Just as the chief justice is about to swear her in, a newsman bring in the news that "Lisa Simpson received an F in second grade gym class!" The Chief Justice says: "In that case, I sentence you to live a lifetime of horror on Monster Island!" and then in an aside to Lisa: "Don't worry, it's just a name!" In the next scene she is being chased by fire breathing monsters, "But it was just a name!" The man running next to her says, "What he meant is that Monster Island is actually a peninsula!"