The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #164857   Message #3955490
Posted By: GUEST,keberoxu
08-Oct-18 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
Subject: RE: Review: Egypt Station (Paul McCartney)
And over here in the land of McDonald's fast food,
which I think of as
The Temple of the Golden Arches,

not every store in the franchise has the same music or noises playing.

Some of the stores have a television screen, or three.
I feel more at home in the branches that have no television screen
but have speakers in the ceiling,
and are tuned to some sort of audio setup.

Which brings me to Egypt Station.
The Temple of the Golden Arches location which
is usually where I stop for a late breakfast, whilst away from home,
prefers satellite radio programming, "Sirius XM" some-thing--or-other.

Throught them I have now heard two "Egypt Station" tunes:
"Caesar Rock", play on words, actual chorus lyric "She's A Rock"
"Come On To Me."

They are both kind of over-produced, they either march or stomp,
and Himself doesn't sound a day older, not in these songs anyhow.
But then songs like these two are kind of safe places to hide, vocally.
The backing music is very noisy and rhythmic;
the phrases in the lyrics are comfortably short;
the melodies, if you can call them that,
sit in a comfortable range of the voice in question.

I can guess that McCartney
would be terribly exposed, in terms of his singing voice,
if he sang a quiet ballad or romance.
So I'd rather remember him as he was, in that format.