The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30633   Message #395633
Posted By: Bat Goddess
11-Feb-01 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: What do You collect?
Subject: RE: BS: What do You collect?
Books, of course, and books and other media of music; videotapes (mostly foreign and oddball films); rubber squid (largest collection in New Hampshire; maybe ONLY collection in New Hampshire...); hippocampuses in any form; rubberstamps, antique printing tackle and marking devices; gravestone rubbings (but maybe that's research...); photos of interesting signs; information scribbled on 3x5 file cards; small mammal (and larger and reptile and bird) bones and skulls (I'm a closet naturalist); flamingo decoys heralding the approach of the flamingo season in New Hampshire (long, long story...); and then the accumulations of stuff that just interests me.

A friend once described our house as looking like the storage wing of the Smithsonian. I took it as a compliment...

Bat Goddess