The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142192   Message #3956397
Posted By: Acorn4
13-Oct-18 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: Review: Michael Buble
Subject: RE: Review: Michael Buble
This Christmas wandered I unsure
Into that CD megastore
Among the shelves I the did slope
To that small section labelled "folk".
With Steeleye Span I made my way
Unto the ckeckout for to pay.
I handed my CD at which
A 'cool' young man began his pitch:
Would I like from this display
Christmas songs by Michael Buble
All for two pounds ninety nine-
Special offer for Christmas time.
I'm sure these songs so old and cheesy
Will make your Christmas listening easy.
A strange look came into this young man's eye
When I gave him my reply.
"Would this Blooblay bloke blee my desire
When I'm clutching Maddy Plyor?
One could hardly miss them after all
With a pile of the bloody things nearly three feet tall
Rather than buy this disc compact
The norovirus I'd contract
Such clooners are just not my thing
Neither clave I Criff nor Bing.
So may your Christmas bring you cheer
And hasten in a good New Year
And keep us all from toil and trouble
Torment us not with Michael Blubble;
And keep us free from very ague
Especially from Blublonic plague!