The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3956431
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Oct-18 - 09:03 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House

R is busy in the city, doing his usual work plus trying to make the house more saleable: one of the original doors stripped and looking pretty good; well, much better; they were never meant to be unpainted but they are wonderfully interesting doors. It will be in the LR so prospective buyers can see. He may get to changing them out so they can do the second one then put both in place rather than the icky one there now. Two doors because it was a duplex and now it is not, though it could be redone...

Plan last night was to work like a fiend "tidying up" as two prospects coming today and another tomorrow. So I stayed here, waiting to hear how my friend is making out coming down the river. Thanks to a local sailing friend (it would have greatly d-cluttered my life if I had asked him first!) we have two good possible stops about 15 minutes away.

While waiting, I have a list of chores: bought a new shovel and can finish the planting; bought ingredients - vinegar, epsom salt and dish soap - to mix in effort to kill the sprouting Giant Hogweed/Wild Parsnip , if it chooses not to rain today, collect materials (from studio) for new glaze - a black that I can mix with the white to make a grey for Hannah. Take materials to Beaver as having some here and some there is a great clutter!

Chilly day but not very windy, so far. Heavy wind from the west (prevailing) might make docking on the east shore iffy.