The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3956812
Posted By: wysiwyg
15-Oct-18 - 06:44 PM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Sorry, corrected post.


After a fabulously creative and productive morning (writing for my new volunteer gig), a frustrating afternoon... chasing required retirement paperwork! It twists and turns through various mazes of understaffed and poorly-articulated channels.... for important stuff!!! Today it involved details required for rearranging post-January healthcare plans, once a better deal suddenly revealed itself. Party A needs form 4444 but wants form 3333 from B before B can have what it wants from A. And repeat in reverse.

So-- Gawwgggghhhh! Retirement ain't for sissies! I never knew 'growing old together' would put so much administrivia in OUR laps! What a great partnership dance we did though to cut thru the crap. I guess that's what I decluttered today-- crap.

Our new personal motto is, "We WILL f|}•ing get this DONE!"
Tonight my new personal schedule calls for picking up all around the house, loading the dishwasher, loading the washing machine, and general prep for Brittney tmrw (9am-1pm), and Head Gardener Brandon about 5:30.

I hope to declutter my brain--soon!-- blasting some good Girl Power music. This Calls for Loud.

My boss on the volunteer gig just surprise-called-- we'd not met-- and she's a blast! (Talk about Girl Power!) My first draft on the first piece -- passed with flying colors. Whoo-hoo!!! It sets the format and slant for the next, more-complicated pieces.
