The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #165038   Message #3958002
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Oct-18 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: Heckling at Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Heckling at Folk Clubs
I have done neither - I have said what know to be true of both of them because of personal experience
I have never known MacColl slag a fellow performer off in public as I described Bob having done to a young woman singer making an effort to explain her songs toa non-Irish-speaking audience
That you are not interested in behavior such as that is your own choice - you nbeed to stay away from threads like this one
I asked if you believed I made it up - apparently you don't which says all that needs to be said
I do hope your "vitriolic" outpourings don't get this worthwhile thread closed
Jim Carroll