The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #161248   Message #3958912
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
28-Oct-18 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
Subject: RE: Declutter & Fitness - Clearing Out the House
I've always have a lot to keep me busy, but what I need to do is motivate myself to work on a schedule so I get it done more quickly than I have so far. For some things, like paperwork, I can schedule it at times when there are radio programs I routinely listen to. This morning I listened to my gardening guru and now an NPR program about economics is on, so I'm doing more filing, shredding, etc.

Dorothy, I'm pleased to read that R. is motivated to clear out the house and get it sold. You'll both be so much happier once that's out of the way and not cluttering the mental radar. When will you start moving things into the new house?

This morning I came across a bunch of documents to do with when I bought and first moved into this house; papers I no longer need because accounts have changed, etc. They're going in the burn barrel. And as part of the file clear-out comes more book clear-out. I have back copies of journals where I was published and they really need to go into the book shelves, so to make room books I read once and enjoyed but have no plan to read again are going in the stack to head to the used bookstore.

Another set of papers that I need to deal with are those small scribbled notes on backs of envelopes, post-it notes, etc. They build up under the computer monitor, on the kitchen counter, on the second desk. The contact information I needed, the new password, etc. needs to be transcribed to a larger durable notebook and the scraps of paper go into the shredded. Quite a few of those are now history in the cross-cut shredder.

Last night I finished emptying the library magazine holder and am now using it for draft versions of documents I've designed. There have been times in the interview process when interviewers ask to see samples of documents in progress, so these are trotted out. Those drafts are usually large and bulky (from the printer and not trimmed, etc.) so the holder is a great place to corral them. I see another box on the floor next to where that was, and it's full of stuffed manila envelopes. I predict more burning-barrel fodder.

My radio program will end in a few minutes, so it's time to turn my attention to mowing the front lawn and preparing the area where I will pour concrete to fix my front path. And dig the hole for the fence post.